Antelope Valley Healthcare District Employee Salaries

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How much do Antelope Valley Healthcare District employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at Antelope Valley Healthcare District in year 2021 was $723,842. The total number of employees listed in the Antelope Valley Healthcare District Payroll for that year was 5,785. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $39,069, with a median salary of $18,754.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in Antelope Valley Healthcare District is 55 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in Antelope Valley Healthcare District range between $1,466 and $63,593. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $135,841 to $723,842.

Name Job Title Employer
Ceo Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Cno Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Exec Dir Of Prof Svc Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Cfo Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Dir Bus Srvcs Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn Ccu Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Clinical Pharm Spec Inform Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn L And D Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Controller Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Clinical Pharm Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Dir Clin Informatics Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Clinical Pharm Coord Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn L And D Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Clinical Pharm Spec Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Phys Therapist Hh Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn Charge Nurse Ed Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Occup Therapist Hh Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn Psych Liaison Nurse Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary
Charge Rn Antelope Valley Healthcare District Check Salary

