Shannon Tiffany Ann Thaggard
Transportation Planner
Tuolumne County Transportation Council
Inform me about Shannon Tiffany Ann Thaggard salary updates
Shannon Tiffany Ann Thaggard Salary Overview
As Transportation Planner at Tuolumne County Transportation Council, Shannon Tiffany Ann Thaggard made $82,956.85 in total compensation. Of this total $65,158 was received as a salary, $17,798.27 was received as benefits . This information is according to Tuolumne County Transportation Council payrolls for the 2021 fiscal year.
Shannon Tiffany Ann Thaggard total compensation is 29 % lower than average transportation planner salary, and 15 % lower than average Tuolumne County Transportation Council salary.
Year | 2021 |
Full Name | Shannon Tiffany Ann Thaggard |
Job Title | Transportation Planner I |
Job Title (formatted) | Transportation Planner |
Status | N/A |
Department | Tuolumne County Transportation Council |
State | California |
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Name | Tuolumne County Transportation Council |
Category | Transportation Planning Agencies |
Main Category | |
Employees Number | 7 |
Average Salary | $97,764 |
Pay, Salary, Benefits
Base Pay | $65,158 |
Overtime Pay | N/A |
Other Pay | N/A |
Benefits | $17,798.27 |
Total Pay | $65,158.58 |
Total Pay And Benefits | $82,956.85 |