Jardin de la Infancia Salaries
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About Jardin de la Infancia Salaries
List of 3 employees
working for Jardin de la Infancia in year 2019. Click buttons on
the left to check other years.
The average employee salary for Jardin de la Infancia in year 2019
was $84,745, the maximum salary
was $98,334 and the median salary
was $85,422.
Name | Year | Job Title | Employer | |
Zuzy Chavey | 2019 | Director | Jardin de la Infancia | Check Salary |
Elizabeth Chavez | 2019 | Teacher | Jardin de la Infancia | Check Salary |
Georgeanna Le | 2019 | Teacher | Jardin de la Infancia | Check Salary |
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