Huron Salaries
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About Huron Salaries
List of 36 employees
working for Huron in year 2021. Click buttons on
the left to check other years.
The average employee salary for Huron in year 2021
was $41,281, the maximum salary
was $216,427 and the median salary
was $27,685.
Connected Employers
- Coalinga-Huron Recreation and Park District [75]
- San Joaquin County [9431]
- Fresno County [8524]
- Fresno [5350]
- San Joaquin County Office of Education [2674]
- Fresno County Office of Education [1843]
- San Joaquin Delta College [1662]
- Selma Unified School District [1179]
- Clovis [830]
- Fresno County Superior Court [603]
- San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District [456]
- San Joaquin Regional Transit District [362]
- San Joaquin County Superior Court [347]
- Reedley [325]
- Sanger [231]
- Fresno Housing Authority [216]
- Selma [205]
- Kerman [140]
- Coalinga [139]
- Kingsburg [135]