Gerry Haas
Conservation Planner
Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency
Inform me about Gerry Haas salary updates
Gerry Haas Salary Overview
As Conservation Planner at Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency, Gerry Haas made $189,797.87 in total compensation. Of this total $142,410 was received as a salary, $8,909.20 was received as benefits and $38,478.21 came from other types of compensation . This information is according to Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency payrolls for the 2020 fiscal year.
Gerry Haas total compensation is 45 % higher than average Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency salaryOverview
Year | 2020 |
Full Name | Gerry Haas |
Job Title (formatted) | Conservation Planner |
Status | N/A |
Department | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency |
State | California |
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Name | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency |
Category | Joint Exercise of Powers |
Main Category | |
Employees Number | 7 |
Average Salary | $131,123 |
Pay, Salary, Benefits
Base Pay | $142,410 |
Overtime Pay | N/A |
Other Pay | $38,478.21 |
Benefits | $8,909.20 |
Total Pay | $180,888.67 |
Total Pay And Benefits | $189,797.87 |