Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Employee Salaries

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How much do Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District in year 2021 was $214,574. The total number of employees listed in the Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Payroll for that year was 188. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $18,033, with a median salary of $5,825.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District is 79 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District range between $2,164 and $14,697. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $89,828 to $214,574.

Name Job Title Employer
General Manager Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Finance Manager Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Facilities Superientendant/Ada Coordinator Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Assistant General Manager Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Park And Rec Manager Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Senior Rec Supervisor Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Senior Inspector Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Administrative Oper Mgr Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Inspector Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Senior Rec Supervisor Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Aquatics Technician Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Supervisor Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Supervisor Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Hr Supervisor Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Supervisor Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Public Information Office Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Supervisor Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Coordinator Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Coordinator Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Park Planner Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Community Services Coordinator Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Coordinator Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Coordinator Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Accounting Clerk Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Aide Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Maintenance Foreman Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Clerk Of The Board Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Park Main Worker Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Aide Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary
Recreation Aide Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District Check Salary

