Tri-Valley ROP Employee Salaries

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How much do Tri-Valley ROP employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at Tri-Valley ROP in year 2020 was $241,731. The total number of employees listed in the Tri-Valley ROP Payroll for that year was 36. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $79,019, with a median salary of $77,603.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in Tri-Valley ROP is 10 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in Tri-Valley ROP range between $57,415 and $97,920. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $173,339 to $241,731.

Name Job Title Employer
Superintendent Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Dir College & Career Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Program Coodinator Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Middle College Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Pleasanton Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Livermore Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Dublin Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Livermore Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Dublin Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Livermore Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Middle College Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Dublin Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Pleasanton Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Pleasanton Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Support Specialist Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Middle College Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Dublin Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Rop Adult Education Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Livermore Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Assistant To Superintendent Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Livermore Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Pleasanton Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Livermore Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Pleasanton Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Career Ed Specialist Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Career Education Dublin Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Livermore Rop Teacher Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Assistant To Superintendent Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Attendance Secretary Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary
Career Ed Specialist Tri-Valley ROP Check Salary

