Napa Valley College Employee Salaries

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How much do Napa Valley College employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at Napa Valley College in year 2021 was $330,123. The total number of employees listed in the Napa Valley College Payroll for that year was 822. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $51,176, with a median salary of $20,549.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in Napa Valley College is 42 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in Napa Valley College range between $4,268 and $97,228. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $158,150 to $330,123.

Name Job Title Employer
Superintendent/President Napa Valley College Check Salary
Police Sergeant Napa Valley College Check Salary
Asst Sup/Vp, Student Affairs Napa Valley College Check Salary
As/Vp, Academic Affairs Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Welding Napa Valley College Check Salary
Vice President, Hrtd Napa Valley College Check Salary
Senior Dean, Rpie Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Admj Napa Valley College Check Salary
Senior Dean, Fa/Eops/Pctp Napa Valley College Check Salary
Sr Dean, Lads, Libr & Ss Napa Valley College Check Salary
Network Administrator Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Ems Napa Valley College Check Salary
Sr Director, Facilities Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Chemistry Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Resp Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Ptec Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Engineering Napa Valley College Check Salary
Counselor/Instructor Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Adn Napa Valley College Check Salary
Dir, Enterprise & Aux Srvcs Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Business/Accountin Napa Valley College Check Salary
Senior Dean, Health & Safety Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Kine/Hc Baseball Napa Valley College Check Salary
Counselor, Eops Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Comm. Studies Napa Valley College Check Salary
Dean, Enroll. & Outreach Ser Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Cfs Napa Valley College Check Salary
Counselor/Instructor Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Adn Napa Valley College Check Salary
Instructor, Vit/Winery Tech Napa Valley College Check Salary

