College of the Canyons Employee Salaries

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How much do College of the Canyons employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at College of the Canyons in year 2021 was $480,010. The total number of employees listed in the College of the Canyons Payroll for that year was 2,418. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $51,119, with a median salary of $17,915.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in College of the Canyons is 42 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in College of the Canyons range between $4,830 and $89,702. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $183,619 to $480,010.

Name Job Title Employer
Chancellor SCCCD & Pres COC College of the Canyons Check Salary
Asst Sup/Vp Inst Dev College of the Canyons Check Salary
Asst Supt/VP Business Services College of the Canyons Check Salary
Physical Education/Cinema Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Interim Asst Sup/VP, Instr College of the Canyons Check Salary
Asst Sup/VP Student Service College of the Canyons Check Salary
Asst Super/VP Facilities Planning, Ops & Constr College of the Canyons Check Salary
Asst Sup/VP Human Resources College of the Canyons Check Salary
Computer Information Technology Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Photography Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Director, Disabled Students Programs & Svcs Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Welding Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Dean, Ed Tec, Lrn Res & D Ed College of the Canyons Check Salary
Dean, ECE, TTrain, CEd & NC College of the Canyons Check Salary
Associate VP Acad Affairs College of the Canyons Check Salary
Controller College of the Canyons Check Salary
Art Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Physical Education Professor/Head Coach Football College of the Canyons Check Salary
Director, Medical Laboratory Technologies Assistant Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
FS & ECE Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Division Dean, Pe & Athletic College of the Canyons Check Salary
Biology Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Chemistry Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
History Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Physical Education Professor/Coach College of the Canyons Check Salary
Division Dean, FAPA College of the Canyons Check Salary
Philosophy Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
History Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary
Div Dean, Social Sci and Bus College of the Canyons Check Salary
Psychology Professor College of the Canyons Check Salary

