Clovis Unified Employee Salaries

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How much do Clovis Unified employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at Clovis Unified in year 2021 was $347,989. The total number of employees listed in the Clovis Unified Payroll for that year was 7,662. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $57,020, with a median salary of $39,432.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in Clovis Unified is 35 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in Clovis Unified range between $10,103 and $98,984. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $141,207 to $347,989.

Name Job Title Employer
Superintendent Clovis Unified Check Salary
General Counsel Clovis Unified Check Salary
Deputy Supt Clovis Unified Check Salary
Assoc Supt Admin Ser Clovis Unified Check Salary
Assoc Supt Hr Clovis Unified Check Salary
Assoc Sup Instl Svcs Clovis Unified Check Salary
Assoc Supt Leadershp Clovis Unified Check Salary
Legislative Analyst Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Cnhs Area Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Ed Serv Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Bus Serv Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Chs Area Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Cwhs Area Clovis Unified Check Salary
Chief Human Res Ofcr Clovis Unified Check Salary
Chief Communica Ofcr Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Fac Serv Clovis Unified Check Salary
Chief Tech Ofcr Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Cehs Area Clovis Unified Check Salary
Asst Supt Bhs Area Clovis Unified Check Salary
Dir Lcap Clovis Unified Check Salary
Dir Purchasing Clovis Unified Check Salary
Principal Clovis Unified Check Salary
Dir Educational Tech Clovis Unified Check Salary
Dir Budget And Finan Clovis Unified Check Salary
Admin Selpa Psyc Svc Clovis Unified Check Salary
Principal Sec Clovis Unified Check Salary
Principal Clovis Unified Check Salary
Dir Campus Catering Clovis Unified Check Salary
Ceo Cart Clovis Unified Check Salary
Dir Sos Clovis Unified Check Salary

