City College of San Francisco Employee Salaries

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How much do City College of San Francisco employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at City College of San Francisco in year 2021 was $409,972. The total number of employees listed in the City College of San Francisco Payroll for that year was 2,138. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $74,701, with a median salary of $73,845.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in City College of San Francisco is 15 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in City College of San Francisco range between $23,078 and $117,026. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $160,143 to $409,972.

Name Job Title Employer
C Chancellor City College of San Francisco Check Salary
C Interim Chancellor City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Vc Acad Aff City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Avc, Finance And Administratio City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Avc Institutional Advancement City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Sr. Director, Institutional Ef City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Sr. Director - Payroll Svcs City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Avc, Student Affairs City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Faculty, Part-Time City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Interim Sr. Dir, Worforce Deve City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Sr Director Of Human Resources City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Dean, Esl And International St City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Dean, Stem City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Faculty, Part-Time City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Dean, Library And Learning Res City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Dean, Social And Behavorial Sc City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Dean, Downtown Center, Busines City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Dean, Chinatown, Northbeach, A City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Senior Director, Chief Of Staf City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Interim Dean, Equity And Stude City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Schl Cust Supvr City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Dean, City Online City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Sr Depersnl Offcr City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Principal Personnel Analy City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Interim Director, Bldg And Grd City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Program Mgr A & R And Outreach City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Program Mgr Adult Education Pr City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Information Systems Mgr City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Director, Apprenticeship And A City College of San Francisco Check Salary
Engineer - Principal City College of San Francisco Check Salary

