Barstow College Employee Salaries

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How much do Barstow College employees earn?

The highest salary earned by an employee at Barstow College in year 2021 was $242,825. The total number of employees listed in the Barstow College Payroll for that year was 367. On average, these employees received an annual salary of $53,566, with a median salary of $22,560.

Based on the latest payroll data, the average salary in Barstow College is 39 percent lower than the than the average salary in the state of California. Typically, employee salaries in Barstow College range between $7,288 and $96,076. The top 5 percent of highest-earning employees have salaries ranging from $160,242 to $242,825.

Name Job Title Employer
President Barstow College Check Salary
Biology - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
Biology - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
Vp Of Academic Affai Barstow College Check Salary
Educational, Adminis Barstow College Check Salary
Computer Information Barstow College Check Salary
Vp Of Human Resource Barstow College Check Salary
Dean Of Cte Instruct Barstow College Check Salary
Dean, Enrollment Man Barstow College Check Salary
Athletic Director/Ki Barstow College Check Salary
English - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
Dean, Counseling And Barstow College Check Salary
Librarian Barstow College Check Salary
Art - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
History - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
Dean Of Instruction, Barstow College Check Salary
English - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
Chemistry - Instruct Barstow College Check Salary
Director Of Research Barstow College Check Salary
Biology - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
Math - Instructor Barstow College Check Salary
Physical Education Barstow College Check Salary
Counselor - General Barstow College Check Salary
Counselor - Eops Barstow College Check Salary
Chemistry - Instruct Barstow College Check Salary
Sociology - Instruct Barstow College Check Salary
Astronomy - Instruct Barstow College Check Salary
General Studies - In Barstow College Check Salary
Counselor - Mental H Barstow College Check Salary
Business - Instructo Barstow College Check Salary

