Cynthia Harrison Barbera
Instructional Aide
AIMS College Prep Middle
Inform me about Cynthia Harrison Barbera salary updates
Cynthia Harrison Barbera Salary Overview
As Instructional Aide at AIMS College Prep Middle, Cynthia Harrison Barbera made $25,961.76 in total compensation. Of this total $25,693 was received as a salary, $268.56 was received as benefits . This information is according to AIMS College Prep Middle payrolls for the 2023 fiscal year.
Cynthia Harrison Barbera total compensation is 30 % lower than average instructional aide salary, and 27 % lower than average AIMS College Prep Middle salary.
Year | 2023 |
Full Name | Cynthia Harrison Barbera |
Job Title (formatted) | Instructional Aide |
Status | N/A |
Department | AIMS College Prep Middle |
State | California |
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Name | AIMS College Prep Middle |
Category | Charter School |
Main Category | |
County | Alameda County |
Employees Number | 26 |
Average Salary | $35,616 |
Pay, Salary, Benefits
Base Pay | $25,693 |
Overtime Pay | N/A |
Other Pay | N/A |
Benefits | $268.56 |
Total Pay | $25,693.20 |
Total Pay And Benefits | $25,961.76 |