Christy Bowen
Inform me about Christy Bowen salary updates
Christy Bowen Salary Overview
As Groundsworker at Wildomar, Christy Bowen made $61,721.29 in total compensation. Of this total $39,572 was received as a salary, $1,031 was received as overtime pay, $19,093 was received as benefits and $1,798 came from other types of compensation . This information is according to Wildomar payrolls for the 2020 fiscal year.
Christy Bowen total compensation is 13 % lower than average groundsworker salary, and 41 % lower than average Wildomar salary.
Year | 2020 |
Full Name | Christy Bowen |
Job Title | Groundsworker Ii |
Job Title (formatted) | Groundsworker |
Status | Full Time |
Department | Wildomar |
State | California |
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Name | Wildomar |
Category | City |
Main Category | |
Employees Number | 19 |
Average Salary | $105,430 |
Pay, Salary, Benefits
Base Pay | $39,572 |
Overtime Pay | $1,031 |
Other Pay | $1,798 |
Benefits | $19,093 |
Total Pay | $42,401 |
Total Pay And Benefits | $61,721.29 |